I’m Moving


Technically I’ve already made the move.

And before anyone starts freaking out that the Wadholms are moving (we aren’t!), I should clarify that the W.onderful W.orld of W.adholms is moving. Jenn and I began this blog back on June 27, 2006 on Blogger for family updates (13 years in blogging years is a LONG time). I took over with my personal randomness a few years later and then migrated the blog to WordPress.com on September 7, 2012.

Now I’ve (FINALLY) made the move to my own domain wadholm.com (so make sure to move your “Follow” to the new site). I know, I know. I should have taken the advice of friends years ago and operated my own website way back when. The functionality and expandability of operating under my own domain will (Lord willing) offer yet further help as I continue to offer posts on the Bible, theology and life.

As an aside, this WordPress.com blog won’t go away, but will no longer be updated. Thanks for the free journey WordPress…and here’s to an even brighter future.